Nicola Casarini



Over the years, have written opinion pieces on various topics related to Asia-Europe relations. A few have been published in some of the world's major media outlets. Below a selection:

  • ‘Corruption, the biggest threat to China’s military power’, Geopolitical Information Service, 29 June.
  • 2015. ‘Troubled waters in the South China Sea as China’s bid for control raises tensions’, Geopolitical Information Service, 13 August.
  • 2015. ‘China’s push towards Europe through Piraeus boosts infrastructure and tensions’, Geopolitical Information Service, 22 September.
  • 2015. ‘Un ponte fra Roma e Pechino’ (with Rita Fatiguso), Il Sole 24 Ore, 18 October.


Longer than op-eds, but shorter than journal articles. Below a selection of the essays that have authored:


Giving interviews to the media is an instrument to share insights and research findings with a wider audience. Below a selection: