Nicola Casarini


Public sector

Have had the opportunity to work as advisor and consultant for various public organizations, including the following:

  • Provided oral and written evidence on Europe-China relations for: European Parliament (Brussels); House of Lords (London); Senate of the Republic (Rome); U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (Washington D.C.).
  • Advised various governments and institutions, including: European External Action Service; U.S. State Department; ROK Ministry of Unification. 


Have gained business experience  as the founding director of, a consultancy incorporated in London. Through Orientedworld, have advised various companies in Europe and Asia.


Orientedworld is a boutique consultancy committed to helping clients gain better insights into evolving dynamics in the Indo-Pacific and in Asia-Europe relations – and how to draw a benefit from them. The focus is on gathering information, providing analysis, and facilitating contacts between Asia and the West.

Orientedworld was created in 2015 to address one of the major issues of our time: the power shift to the East – with China at its centre – and its implications for the West. In the last years, we have completed various projects ranging from a risks/benefits analysis of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Europe, to an assessment of US-China tensions over Taiwan, to an evaluation of the likelihood of decoupling in EU-China relations. Our team can deal with almost all topics related to Asia-Europe relations.

The company is incorporated in London but we have presence in America, Asia and Europe. We are a small team – but we can reach a wide range of stakeholders at various levels in government and the private sector. Through our work, we want to contribute to improving relations and mutual understanding between the East and the West.